The Joy of Meditation

Would you like to still your mind and access your heart? Experience less stress and more happiness and joy in your life? If so, The Joy of Meditation is for you!

A 5-week class via Zoom starting Tuesday, June 20th at 6pm PST

The Invitation

Let’s face it, life is challenging sometimes. Most of us live stressful lives and it’s incredibly challenging to find moments of peace and calm. Meditation can help.  Meditation is the pathway through which you can access the peace and contentment that is already contained within you, even amidst challenging circumstances. If you’re ready to have a more easeful, peaceful, joyful experience of life, then you are invited to join this transformational class with Darren.


  • Each class will be approximately 60 to 75 minutes long.

  • All sessions will be recorded so if you can’t make it live, that’s fine. 

  • Each class will begin with a short talk followed by guided meditation. After that, there will be time for questions and answers. Week 3 will be a special class during which Darren will offer a channeled meditation and healing. Each class will end with live mantra music. Over the course of the 5 weeks, Darren will also share simple, practical guidance for experiencing the journey of life with more grace and ease. 

The Experience

Over the 5 weeks, you’ll learn multiple types of meditation and discover which techniques are best for you. You will be guided in a safe, sacred, supportive space to learn, grown, and explore. Additionally, there will be frequent prompts and inspiration in-between classes to help you excel in your practice.

The Result

You can expect to leave this class with all the tools you need to have a successful meditation practice. With a daily practice, you can expect to be healthier, happier, calmer, and more inspired to live your most authentic life.

Class Outline

Class 1: Mindfulness Meditation                                

In this class, you’ll learn a simple, but powerful technique to still the mind and surrender to the well-being of your spirit. By brining mindfulness into your life outside of class, you’ll also start to make healthier, wiser decisions.

Class 2: Mantra Meditation

In this class, you’ll learn how to utilize the frequency of sacred sound vibration to still your mind and open your heart. You’ll learn how different mantras effect the mind and body in different ways. 

Class 3: The Power of Bhakti

In this class, you will learn how to utilize Bhakti (love and devotion) to awaken more love and compassion in your heart for yourself and others. By opening your heart, you will have a much more enjoyable experience of life.

Class 4: Channeled Meditation and Healing

In this class, Darren will offer a channeled meditation and healing that will allow you to access your heart more deeply and live a more purposeful, soul inspired life. This class will be offered in co-creation with Darren’s guides, The Collective of Light.

Class 5: The Final Awareness

In this class, you’ll be guided to have a more intimate experience of your true nature that lies beyond all thoughts, emotions, and the transitory experiences of life. You’ll be introduced to the possibility of sitting in the seat of your soul, where peace, contentment, and big love resides on a daily basis regardless as to what’s going on around you in the world. 

Darren on Meditation

In my early 20s, one of my spirit guides came to me in a dream and suggested that I start to meditate.  At the time, I had no idea how to do that!  Still, I tried. It was challenging at first. Like most new meditators, I found myself restless with a mind that wouldn’t keep quiet. But little by little, I began to find more space in-between my thoughts. And in that space, I discovered that beneath ‘me’, beneath the personality of Darren, was pure awareness itself. A loving space of peace, contentment, and bliss that was not clouded by my thoughts, emotions, and the transitory experiences of life.

This loving space, is everyone’s true nature. And the highest purpose of life is to awaken to this true nature and to rest in it as often as possible. Accessing this space of grace through meditation has allowed me to have a much more easeful, joyous experience of life. I now look forward to meditation more than anything else in the world and you can too!

Session Days & Times

  • Tue. June 19th 6pm PST

  • Tue. June 27th 6pm PST

  • Tue. July 3rd 6pm (if the group consensus is to skip this date because of the July 4th holiday, we will add one more class on Tue. July 24th)

  • Tue. July 10th 6pm

  • Tue. July 17th 6pm

Energy Exchange

The cost for this class is $222. Two scholarship spots are available for a discounted rate of $111. Email to inquire about those spots.

If you would like to add a private intuitive coaching session to this class, the cost is $333 ($222 for the scholarship rate). Intuitive coaching sessions are normally $200 so I highly encourage you to take advantage of this special offer! The coaching session can be scheduled before, during, or after the 5-week class.

How to Join

To reserve your spot, make payment via Venmo (@Darren-Marc) or Paypal (  Zoom link will be emailed to all class participants 48 hours prior to the first class and will remain the same for all the classes.