Reiki Sound Healing Sessions
Personal Connection, Profound Healing
These days, many of us struggle with a painful sense of disconnection from the divine. Increasingly detached from our innermost selves, we experience physical ailments, cycles of emotional reactivity, and, overall, a feeling of being stuck.
Enter: Reiki.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a warm, nurturing energy that emanates from the unconditional love of God. It dissolves blockages in the human energy field and restores balance to the mind, body, and emotions. When integrated with sound healing, reiki offers a reawakening of one’s essential nature which is peace, love, harmony, and joy.
What to Expect
When you join Darren in-person for a 1:1 healing session, prepare to relax into a deep sense of peace that lingers long after the session’s end. Reconnect with the blissful sensations that arise when anchored into your true Self. As blockages are cleared from your physical and energetic bodies, you may feel clearer, lighter, healthier, and more aligned with the divinity that is you.
As Darren works with your energy, he often receives intuitive information to help guide you into further clarity, direction, and healing.
“Reiki with Darren was the most needed and incredible experience of my year. It was not only in the session itself that I felt relaxed and peaceful but I was also able to carry that peace with me. There was an immediate shift in my energy, as if the huge dam that was blocking the flow of energy was suddenly lifted.”
— Millie T., New York, NY

The Details
75-minute session
Includes an introductory consultation, energy healing, intuitive guidance, sound healing, and closing
Sound healing may include the use of my buffalo drum, ocean drum, rattle, singing bowls, voice, guitar, and chimes
To learn more about reiki, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section below.
Benefits of Reiki
Deep relaxation
Stress relief
Inner peace and serenity
Relief from anxiety and depression
Emotional healing
Pain relief
Expedited healing of injuries
Better sleep
Healing of chronic illnesses
Faster healing from acute illnesses
Improved relationships
A clearer direction in life
A shift in vibration that allows you to bring in more of what you want in life
Frequently Asked Questions
As a Reiki Master & Reiki Master Teacher, I have been practicing and offering Reiki for twenty years. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words — Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy." So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy.”
Reiki provides us with a direct link to the all-loving source of creation and thus a direct link to our innate ability to heal ourselves at the deepest of levels. As a reiki master, I allow myself to become a channel for this energy that flows directly from source. It flows into my crown chakra, through my hands, and into all four levels of your being (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional).
Because reiki flows from source, and is of source, it is infinitely intelligent and will go wherever it is needed most in the moment. If you are struggling with a physical health challenge, reiki will help to relieve the symptom and, more importantly, get to the root of the symptom. Sometimes a headache is just a headache. But often, our health problems (especially our chronic ones) have deep roots. The deep root may be an emotional wound that is ready to unwind and release, or an outdated belief system that is not in alignment with your true-self.
Whatever imbalances you are experiencing, reiki gently works in harmony with the wisdom of your own being to bring healing when and where it is needed. Most commonly, reiki is felt as a warm, nurturing energy. Both during and after a session, you are likely to experience deep relaxation, peace, and serenity. Ultimately, what's happening in these moments of bliss is that your true-self is revealing itself to you.
Your true-self is love. It is the aspect of your being that is infinite, eternal, and one with source. Like a bright light bulb that is dimmed by a lamp shade, our own inner-love and light is often obscured by our thoughts and turbulent emotional lives. But once you connect to your true-self in a reiki session, you will gracefully be led forward by this higher part of you towards a new way of life that is infused with more peace, happiness, joy, and love.