Bonus Chapter

Chapter 47 from Journey of the Heart: Empowered Living

We are working with the channel’s energy. He is not ready to channel quite yet. A shift needs to occur before he channels - an energetic shift - a shift in vibration. He’s already beginning to feel it by way of his intention to channel and because he is taking the time to sit and shift.

These are important words dear ones, sit and shift. For that is what you do every time you sit, and close your eyes, and meditate. You shift your level of consciousness. You shift your vibration. The channel is thinking of shifting gears in an automobile. And yes, this is a fine analogy if it helps you and the channel make sense of it analytically. Though the shift itself is not analytical, it is energetic. It is a feeling experience.

The channel is starting to feel a little more elevated by way of his sitting. This is a cue to him that the channeling is almost ready to begin. We are laughing with him because in a sense, the channel has already begun to channel. For he is speaking our words. But there is a shift that is occurring as he sits that allows him to become more and more open to the words we speak and to the energies that want to speak through him. So we are guiding you through his process, so that you can guide yourself through yours as well. So that you can guide yourself through the shift. It might not be that you are shifting to receive channeled words. But you are shifting to receive something, to have a new kind of experience - to elevate your vibration - to come to have a greater sense of who it is you truly are independent of everything that is going on around you in the outside world - independent of all the circumstances in your life.

In fact, we would say that you sit and shift, and raise your vibration, to rise above all of that - all of that which is happening in the physical. You are shifting to allow your spiritual self to shine forward, to hop into the driver’s seat. In doing so, you become aware that you are first and foremost a spiritual being, not a physical being. YOU ARE ENERGY. YOU ARE SPIRIT. And this is the experience that you have as you sit and shift.

There is a little relief that is happening for the channel. This is his first time channeling in quite some time. He was afraid that he could no longer do it. But he can. So there is a relief in knowing that he can still channel. Never give up on things dear ones because of fear, because you are afraid that you might not be able to do it well. Give yourselves permission to fail if you need to. But you must try. You must make the effort. You must act in spite of your fears and in spite of your doubts that say: “I’m not sure if I can.” This programming has been with the channel for many years. It still hangs around sometimes. And it is with some of you as well which is why we mention it. It is not just to share about the channel. We share because it is relevant for many of you as well.

As the channel knows, often in life, there will be fear and there will be doubt that stems from the programming and conditioning of the ego mind. That’s fine. What we are asking you to do is to see these fears and doubts for what they are. And to step forward on your path regardless. This is the message that we want you to hear today. We want you, the readers to here it. And we want the channel to hear it as well. For it is applicable to all of you. Be aware of the fears. Be aware of the doubts. And step forward anyway. This is the path that we ask you to take.

And as you do that, little by little, you will build more confidence in yourself. Because when you act in spite of fear and doubt, you are stepping into your power and embodying all of the power and godliness that is inherent within you. Then you stand tall, confident in who you are. You no longer walk with your head down in shame. But rather, you hold your head up high with a sense of pride knowing that like every human being on this planet, you have experienced fear, and you have experienced doubt, but you have stepped forward anyway to live your most authentic truth, to be in your greatest power.

How delightful it is dear ones, to speak to you in this way. For we know, and the channel knows, many of you will be touched by the words and the energy that is coming through him today. And we all (we speak of the energies that are coming through the channel, and the channel himself), take pleasure in being of service in this way. Just as you might take pleasure in being of service in any way that you are of service in the world. And it does require you to move beyond your fears and doubts to be of service in the highest way. You understand, yes? For it is only by acting in spite of your fears and in spite of your doubts that you can be of service to humanity in the highest way.

And so it is, we are asking all of you, the channel himself included, to do this now. To see the fears, to see the doubts, to see the insecurities, and to be okay with them. It’s very difficult, as the channel knows, just to toss them aside, to pretend they’re not there, to toss them in the trash. But you can see them for what they are and step forward anyway. And in doing so, you come into your power, into your true power.

The channel is being told that one of the bravest questions he can ask, if there is ever a moment in which he does not know how to step forward, is: “HOW CAN I STEP FORWARD FULLY INTO MY POWER.” And so it is, if he were to ask another channel a question about his path, this would be it. But he needn’t ask anybody else but the wisdom that is within him, and the guides who are here to support him. And it is the same for you dear ones. So if at anytime you find yourself uncertain, ask.

Do not be afraid to reach out to the channel to invite him into your home to channel for you. To invite him to share his music with you. For some of you would like to do this. We can not guarantee that he will say yes to all the invitations because he will be quite busy. But if that is something you desire, you may reach out to him and ask. And he can guide you through the practice of sacred retreat with our support. It will be a co-creation between him, and us. We speak of him and us as two separate entities. But really, there is no separation. For we are all one. You can meditate on it if you’d like. You can meditate on that truth that we are all one.

We are asking the channel to place this as the final chapter in his book. He thought that it would be in his second book. But no, we are asking him to place it as the final chapter in the first book because it is an important teaching. He is fighting us a little bit because he says: “No, the book is complete. It has even been edited. It is ready for publishing.” But we tell him no, this will be the final chapter and then the book will be complete.

Sometimes, dear ones, spirit, insight, wisdom, whatever it is you would like to call it, will speak a little bit louder than the voices in your head. And you will know that the voice of spirit is the voice of wisdom that you are meant to follow. And for the channel, and for all of you, when you sit and quiet your mind and become receptive to what spirit wants to share with you, then you can hear properly. And then you will know what you are meant to know. The channel is having such a moment for himself right now as his mind says: “No, the book is complete. It is done. I do not want to do any more work on it!” But the higher wisdom is saying that this chapter will be included as the final chapter in the book. We enjoy walking you through the processes that the channel himself works through with his mind, and with spirit. Because we know that it will be helpful to you as well. This is why we have always, and will continue to, use examples from the channel’s life to teach.

You know when you are on the right path dear ones, when you begin to feel a little more empowered than you were prior. We speak to this, because one of themes of the channel’s life is empowerment, feeling empowered in a way that he did not when he was younger because of childhood experiences. And yet, simply by opening himself up to channel in this way this morning, he is now feeling a little more empowered. And so, this is the signal, the cue, that he is now on the right path. And if he continues to step forward in this way, he will feel even more empowered. And he will care less about what others think of him for doing this kind of work. He will not be so concerned about anybody else who says that this work is weird, or strange, or bizarre. Because he will feel empowered doing it, and because he will know that he is being of tremendous service. Not only to those who are around him, but to the entire world, and to all of creation. For this energy ripples out into all of existence and touches all. We repeat: THIS ENERGY RIPPLES OUT INTO ALL OF EXISTENCE AND TOUCHES ALL.

And it is the same dear ones, for anything that you do, in your life. Whatever you say or do, touches ALL. Not just the person or people who you think it is touching. We will leave you with this. The channel is seeing the image of a little pebble being dropped into a lake. You may think of this lake as all of existence. And the ripple that is created as this pebble is dropped into this lake, effects the entire lake, all of creation. This is the truth dear ones. It is difficult to perceive in your third dimensional reality, where you are mostly focused on the physical, and your perception can be limited. But this is the absolute truth. We leave you now dear ones. Step forward and you will be victorious. Blessings.